Jameela Pruitt M.A.Ed
Specialized Professional Advisor

Jameela Pruitt serves as a Specialized Professional Advisor(SPA) for Undergraduate students. She is from Atlantic City, New Jersey where she earned a Bachelor of Arts degree in English from Rutgers University. After completing her bachelor’s degree, she continued her love for education and obtained a Master’s of Arts in Education, specializing in Higher Education. Her passion is empowering students to recognize their true purpose while supporting their academic goals. Jameela is a Golden State Warriors fan, loves poetry, biopics and comedy, and her favorite show of all times is The Fresh Prince of Bel-Air.
Karoline Oliveira Ed. D.
Specialized Professional Advisor

Dr. Oliveira serves as a Specialized Professional Advisor for Doctor of Chiropractic students. She earned both her Bachelor’s and Master’s degrees from the University of Rhode Island in Human Development, Counseling and Family Studies and College Student Personnel/Student Affairs, respectively. In 2017 Dr. Oliveira earned her Doctor of Education from Johnson & Wales University, specializing in Higher Education Leadership. She has served as an advisor at Life University since October of 2017.
Teregi Coleman
Specialized Professional Advisor

Teregi Coleman has worked in the university setting for over 12 years and holds master’s degrees in Management and in Positive Psychology. He enjoys reading, spending time with family and friends, and is an involved member and Past President of his Toastmasters club. As a Specialized Professional Advisor, he serves Athletes, Pre-DC students, provisional students, students on probation and international students.