Charmaine Herman, D.C.
D.C., Sherman College of Chiropractic
Dr. Charmaine Herman is a first-generation Doctor of Chiropractic graduating in 2009 from Sherman College of Chiropractic. In April 2009, she began working at Life University as an adjunct instructor and today is a Full Professor in the College of Chiropractic.
At Life University, Dr. Herman teaches the lecture and lab for the Head and Neck clinical case integration course (CLET 3826) required for 8th quarter chiropractic students. Additionally, she teaches neurological diagnosis labs, clinical skills labs, advanced clinical skills lab and the Blair condylar misalignment and analysis elective. She is club advisor for the Blair UC Technique Club and the Student American Black Chiropractic Association (SABCA). Additionally, she continues to live her passion for helping sick people become well as owner and clinic director of Agape Upper Cervical Health Center, Inc. in Alpharetta, Georgia, where Dr. Herman uses the Blair UC chiropractic technique for analyzing/correcting subluxations of the cervical spine since 2013.
Currently, Dr. Herman is a board member for the International Chiropractors Association (ICA) and was awarded a Fellow of the ICA in April 2023. She is an instructor for the Blair UC Society. Her memberships include the ICA Council on Upper Cervical Care, the American Black Chiropractic Association (ABCA), and the Christian Chiropractic Association.
At Life University Dr. Herman held the position of secretary for the Diversity Committee and Vice-Chair for the Rank and Promotion Procedural Committee. She is an active member of the Title IX Review Board, Conduct Review Board, Research Track Committee, and COC Assessment Council. Also, Dr. Herman is the cultural competency trainer for the Office of Diversity, Equity and Inclusion (ODEI).
In 2016, she was recipient of the Chiropractor of the Year award by the Blair UC Society. In 2018, she was recognized as one of the Top Chiropractors in Atlanta by Atlanta Magazine. Additionally, in 2018 she was presented with the Life University Cub Advisor of the Year. In 2019, she was awarded Upper Cervical Researcher of the Year by the ICA Council on Upper Cervical Care. Dr. Herman has also been awarded the Faculty Excellence award from four COC graduating classes. In 2020, she received the Vulcan Materials Teaching Excellence Award that recognizes an outstanding faculty member who demonstrates strong academic skills in the classroom and provides leadership and support in other areas of campus life. In 2022 Dr. Herman was promoted to the rank of Full Professor in the College of Chiropractic.
Dr. Herman has published upper cervical chiropractic and cultural competence in chiropractic education research articles. She has presented research at the International Research and Philosophy Symposium (IRAPS); the Blair Upper Cervical Chiropractic Society National Convention; the Association of Chiropractic Colleges Research Agenda Conference (ACC-RAC); and at Life University’s annual Fall