Life News

Your Feedback is Needed!
Dear members of the LIFE Community,
In 2004, the Life University Board of Trustees and the University’s leadership team envisioned a 2020 Plan to guide our growth and direction. This plan was a bold vision consisting of dozens of projects designed to advance our educational mission and position Life University as vitalistic visionaries committed to creating positive change in the broader healthcare landscape.
As we near the year 2020, with most of the vision complete, it is time to create a bold new vision for the future of Life University.
To do that, we need your help.
The 2020 Plan projects have been collected into an online assessment format. We need you, as members of the Life University community, to assess these projects’ effects and their importance to you. Your feedback will help guide us in the fearless thinking that will be necessary to develop a strategic plan for the next stage of our growth as an institution.
Once we have all the feedback, it will be shared with the Life University community in a dashboard format to clearly communicate our baseline for developing the 2040 Plan and the projects needed to reach its goals.
Your assistance is crucial to creating a plan that reflects a shared vision. Please take the time to provide feedback on the 2020 Plan projects from your own, unique perspective.
Because thoughtful input is so important, people may wish to take the survey over more than one sitting. If so, you may SAVE your responses and return to the assessment at another time for completion. Click the “Save” button at the bottom of the screen, and you will be taken to a screen that shows the return link, and you can simply: a) Copy and paste it for later use, b) Bookmark that screen/page for later return, or c) Opt to receive a link to your saved responses via email. NOTE: If you are NOT taken to the return link screen when you click on “Save,” please click “Save” again.
The assessment can be accessed at this link:
If you have questions, please contact, who can assist you as needed.
With gratitude for your assistance,
Dr. Tom Klapp, Life University Board
Dr. Guy Riekeman, Chancellor
Dr. Rob Scott, President
William D. Jarr, EVP
Dr. Teri Stockwell, Faculty
Rebecca Koch, Staff
Rebekka Logan, Staff
Dr. Brian McAulay, Consultant
Mark Huffman, Consultant
Strategic Planning Team
Life University