LIFE Flex is an innovative approach to course delivery that provides students with flexibility and multiple learning opportunities. Beginning Fall Quarter 2021, students will be able to choose to engage with their classes in a face-to-face experience on-campus or synchronously (real-time) online via Blackboard, LIFE’s learning management system. A self-guided, asynchronous (not real-time) option may also be available in Blackboard for a portion of your courses. In this student-directed learning experience, you have options in deciding how, where and when to engage with your professor and classmates. Enjoy more control over your day-to-day schedule and access to robust learning resources both in-person and online.
- What is LIFE Flex
- What are the learning mode options?
- What are the benefits of LIFE Flex?
- What classes will be offered in the LIFE Flex model?
- In what ways will I be expected to engage with my peers and faculty?
- What are the attendance expectations?
- How will attendance be monitored?
- Will classes have scheduled meeting times?
- Can I elect to participate in my course solely in-person, without an online (synchronous or asynchronous) component?
- Can I elect to participate in my course solely online (synchronous or asynchronous) without an in-person component?
- How will I complete exams and assignments if participating in my class in-person?
- How will I complete exams and assignments if I am participating in my class online, synchronously?
- How do I register for a LIFE Flex course?
- How do I choose which learning mode (face-to-face, remote synchronous, asynchronous) works best for me?
- How often can I change my preferred learning mode?
- What are the technological requirements for me to participate in a LIFE Flex course?
- Who can provide me technological assistance?
LifeFlex is an innovative approach to course delivery that provides students with flexibility and multiple learning opportunities. Beginning fall quarter 2021, as a student, you will be able to choose to engage with your lecture class in a face-to-face experience on-campus or synchronously (real-time) online via Blackboard, LIFE’s learning management system. A self-guided, asynchronous (not real-time) option may also be available in Blackboard for a portion of your courses. In this student-directed learning experience, you have options in deciding how, where, and when to engage with your professor, and your classmates.
In-person (lecture and labs): This participation method looks like traditional classroom learning, in that students arrive to a classroom on a specific day and time and meet with an educator who is physically present in the classroom. However, in-person attendees may interact with classmates who are attending class virtually. Technological solutions allow the in-person and online attendees to communicate with one another and the course instructor, to collaborate on course activities and assignments, and to complete course assessments.
Synchronous (lecture only): Students attend class virtually, in -real-time via Blackboard Collaborate. Live chat, video conferencing solutions, and collaborative technologies allow virtual students to be active participants in the learning experience, despite not being physically present in the classroom.
Asynchronous (lecture only): Students can engage in learning on their own time, completing coursework online either before or after the in-person learning has taken place. Students may interact with their peers and with the course instructor using asynchronous technologies which allow for reflection, collaboration, and student-to-student interactions. An academically related activity may be provided for those students who missed the class.
LIFE Flex provides students with flexibility and multiple learning opportunities. Students will be able to choose to engage with their class in a face-to-face experience on-campus or synchronously (real-time) online via Blackboard, LIFE’s learning management system. A self-guided, asynchronous (not real-time) option may also be available in Blackboard for a portion of your courses. With LIFE Flex, you have options in deciding how, where, and when to engage with your professor, and your classmates. Enjoy more control over your day-to-day schedule and access to robust learning resources both in-person and online.
Effective Fall 2021 quarter, all LIFE lecture classes will be delivered in the LIFE Flex format.
Students are expected to engage with peers and faculty during each lecture or laboratory session. For lecture sessions, this may occur in-person or synchronously via BlackBoard. Faculty will guide students during the assigned class period to assure that students are engaged with each other, regardless of modality. Students attending lectures asynchronously will be expected to review the recorded lecture session and complete an academic engagement activity.
For laboratory sessions, students will engage face-to-face, guided by the faculty.
Students are expected to attend lecture classes in person for at least 70% of the total lecture session throughout the quarter. Those students who attend less than 70% will have their grade lowered as follows:
- 10% over; final grade is lowered one letter grade (grade of B)
- 20% over; final grade is lowered two letter grades (grade of C)
- Over 20%; student fails the course
Since laboratory sessions require extensive hands on and in class participation, attendance will be individually set and outlined specifically in the course syllabi. However, there will be no remote options for laboratory sessions. All sessions will be in person.
Attendance will be taken for each lecture and laboratory session. Students must attend in person, at least 70% of lecture sessions. Since laboratory sessions require extensive hands on and in class participation, attendance will be individually set and outlined specifically in the course lab syllabi. Students must attend laboratory sessions in person.
In-person and synchronous class meetings will occur at a pre-determined, scheduled time. You are expected to participate in the course during this period. Asynchronous participation means that you may engage in your class online, not in real-time. Although there is not a designated meeting time for asynchronous participation, please consult with your instructor to determine important dates and deadlines specific to your course.
Yes; you are encouraged to attend each session provided for your lecture and lab as applicable.
No; you must physically attend at least 70% of the lecture sessions. You must attend all lab sessions in person. There will be no remote options.
Guidance on exam and assignment completion/submission will be provided by your instructor. Please consult with your instructor to learn more about the protocol specific to your course. Students will continue to be held to Life University’s Honor Code & Standards of Conduct regardless of learning mode chosen.
Guidance on exam and assignment completion/submission will be provided by your instructor. Please consult with your instructor to learn more about the protocol specific to your course. Students will continue to be held to Life University’s Honor Code & Standards of Conduct regardless of learning mode chosen.
There will be no change in the course registration process. Questions regarding course registration should continue to be directed to your assigned academic advisor.
Learning happens when students encounter the same information through a variety of modalities, rather than only one method. The LifeFlex model will expose you to this multi-modal approach, allowing more opportunities for the information to ‘click’. You may find that you prefer one method over another, and you are encouraged to explore the benefits that each learning mode provides, in addition to the in-person approach to learning.
Under the LIFE Flex model, students can choose between different learning modes for each lecture class meeting. While this flexibility is a benefit of LifeFlex, some may not be prepared to select the mode that is best for their academic needs. Recognizing that this may represent a challenge for some students, faculty will closely monitor student progress to identify students who are struggling academically, and consequently, may need to consider an alternative mode for engaging in the course.
- Macintosh or Windows computer
- Operating System: Windows 10 or Mac OS X (10.14 or higher)
- Hard Drive: 128 GB
- Memory: 8 GB RAM
- Processor: i5 intel (8th gen) processor similar
- Current word processing software
- A microphone
- A webcam
- Browser Requirements
- Chrome
- Internet Access
- Broadband internet connection is required. Examples of broadband internet connection are high-speed DSL or a cable modem.
- Use of Life University email
Students should contact Information Technology ( for technical support.